Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Smaller than the naked eye... | The sharpest man-made thing.

Shawn, my brooding, dangerously articulate, and cynical dear friend and compatriot, believes it to be a raspberry. He's admitted to seeing things frequently; things that have turned out to be not really there. I guess he figures that that's a clear demonstration his superlative visual perception skills. I certainly won't argue with that. But... I don't know. It looks like every other tungsten needle I've ever seen.

Wait a minute... Now, that I think about it ... A few of those atoms look awfully familiar. I know we've met ... somewhere ... before. Hmmm ... ? OMG!! It was a salacious encounter from which I fled from, a very long time ago; Capris on a dark summer's day in 1989? Quelle Horror!

Sharp and man-made? Really, huh. That description excludes a whole lot of stuff, undoubtedly "my wit" would be near the top of that list. Naturally, I was right. They look nothing alike.

A raspberry, my wit, Capris ...? You decide >> Sharpest Manmade Thing

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